
Gabapentin 300 mg- 90 Tabs


Gabapentin 300 mg- 120 Tabs


Gabapentin 400 mg- 90 Tabs


Gabapentin 400 mg- 120 Tabs


Gabapentin 600mg- 90 Tabs


Gabapentin 800 mg – 180 Tabs


Gabapentin 600 mg – 180 Tabs


Gabapentin 800mg- 120 Tabs


Gabapentin 400 mg – 180 Tabs


Gabapentin 300 mg – 180 Tabs


Gabapentin 600mg- 120 Tabs


Gabapentin 800 mg – 90 Tabs

What is Gabapentin?

Gabapentin is an anti-seizure medication used to treat seizures from epilepsy. It is actually a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analog. GABA soothes the overactive electrical impulses of nerve cells (neurons) in the brain, which play a role in seizures and the transmission of pain signals. Similarly, Gabapentin calms the overexcited nerve cells and stops the seizure and neuropathic pain.

The FDA has classified Gabapentin as an anticonvulsant or anti-seizure drug. Now you can buy gabapentin online in the USA from reputed sites like Shopemed.

What are the Uses of Gabapentin?

Gabapentin has both on-label and off-label uses. The medication received its first approval by the FDA in 1993. Initially, Gabapentin was used as a muscle relaxant and anti-spasmodic drug. Much later, Gabapentin’s potential as a reliever of neuropathic pain and anti-seizure drug was discovered. Let’s take a closer look at how you can use Gabapentin. 

Gabapentin in neuropathic pain 

Gabapentin is a commonly used medication in the treatment of nerve pain(also known as neuropathic pain or neuralgia). Multiple medical researches have shown Gabapentin can effectively relieve the painful sensation caused by chronic or acute neuropathic pain. Gabapentin reduces neuropathic pain and blocks the transmission of pain signals sent by damaged nerves. It changes the way your body perceives pain. 

Gabapentin is used to treat nerve pain problems like post-herpetic neuralgia caused by shingles and peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Off-label, it is also used to treat fibromyalgia in which you feel musculoskeletal pain throughout your body.

Gabapentin for Seizure

Gabapentin is an approved medication for seizures, belonging to a group of medications called anticonvulsants. It is used in the treatment of complex partial seizures and focal onset awareness. Gabapentin mirrors the role of GABA and produces a relaxing effect. This medication calms the overactive nerve cells and slows the neuron firing. This stops the seizures at the very beginning. 

Gabapentin for RLS

RLS stands for Restless Leg Syndrome. In this condition, which is also known as Willis-Ekbom disease,  you experience uncontrollable jerky movements in your legs and feet. There is an uncomfortable feeling that does not away unless your legs jolt sporadically. This happens due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. In rare cases, the uncontrollable urge may be felt in your hands too. 

Gabapentin off-label uses 

Gabapentin in Alcohol Withdrawal

If you continuously drink alcohol in excessive amounts over a long period, you will develop alcohol dependency.  When you develop this condition, you won’t be able to cut back on the quantity of alcohol despite wanting to control it. If you try, you will experience physical and psychological symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headache depression, and anxiety. These symptoms are the result of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Gabapentin is often used in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. When you develop an alcohol addiction, the excitatory chemicals in the brain increase. Gabapentin produces the effect of inhibitory chemicals like GABA and serotonin. It can help you during your withdrawal in the following ways:

  • Assists in controlling the impulse to drink, especially in the early phase
  • Reduce alcohol cravings
  • Improve insomnia
  • Lower anxiety
  • Makes you feel better 

Gabapentin for Psychiatric Disorder

Gabapebin’s off-label uses include many psychological issues. Gabapentin is often prescribed for generalized anxiety disorder and anxiety in patients with bipolar disorder. Since Gabapentin acts on the central nervous System, it relaxes the system if it is overexcited. Since Gabapentin can raise levels of serotonin, which is a mood booster, it can make you feel good during your low or depressive episodes. The calming effect will soothe you during your anxiety.

Gabapentin for Movement Disorders 

Gabapentin has shown strong potential for many movement disorders, like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), parkinsonism, and essential tremor. However, the studies, in this case, have not been done on a large group of people. Hence, a lot is still about to be discovered about Gabapentin being used for various movement disorders.

What are the Dosage Strengths and Forms of Gabapentin?

On Shopemed, Gabapentin is available in the following dosage strengths and forms. Here you can buy Gabapentin oral tablets.

  • It comes in a file of 90 tablets of 300mg and 400mg 
  • It comes in a file of 120 tablets of 300mg and 400mg 

Who can take Gabapentin?

Your doctors may prescribe Gabapentin, along with other medication to control and treat seizures. It is usually given to adults and children who are above 3 years of age. It is also given to patients with postherpetic neuralgia and peripheral diabetic neuropathy.

How do you decide on Gabapentin Dosage?

Gabapentin tablets are to be taken orally which means you need to take this medication by mouth with a glass of water. Avoid crushing, breaking, or dry-chewing the tablet, unless your doctor has specifically prescribed it to do so. 

If you are directed to take Gabapentin in half, preserve the unused portion properly. If it gets older than 28 days, do not consume the tablet. 

Avoid taking Gabapentin with any addictive substances like narcotics or alcohol. You should not take Gabapentin if you have a history of mental disorders. It is best if you don’t operate heavy machinery after taking Gabapentin, as the drug might make you sleepy.

Always stay in contact with your healthcare provider, if you feel your condition is getting worse. Keep updating your doctor about your progress and problems when you have started taking Gabapentin. 

Can I take Gabapentin with alcohol?

Gabapentin works on your nervous system and makes you relaxed. If you take Gabapentin with alcohol, you become extremely sleepy and accidents might occur. You also might suffer from nausea, vomiting, or dizziness if you mix the two.

How Should I Decide on Gabapentin Dosage?

Like any other medication, there is no single dose that applies to all patients. This is why your doctor must prescribe the correct dose. Since the dosage strength depends on the severity of your condition, age, and weight, it is best decided by a medical expert. The standard dosage for Gabapentin is the following.

For epilepsy:

Adults and children 12 years and older— Starting with  300 milligrams (mg) 3 times per day. However, the dose is limited to 1800 mg per day (600 mg 3 times per day).

Children 3 to 11 years of age—The dose is based on body weight and should be recommended by the physician. The starting dose is 10 to 15 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) of body weight per day and is divided into 3 doses. Your doctor may adjust your dose as needed and tolerated.

Children younger than 3 years of age— The entire course of medication must be determined by the doctor.
For postherpetic neuralgia:

Adults— At first, 300 milligrams (mg) as a single dose in the evening. However, the dose is usually not more than 1800 mg per day.

Children—The physician will decide all dosage strengths and forms.

For restless legs syndrome, the standard dosage is 600 mg, orally taken daily at about 5 PM after a meal.

Does Gabapentin have Side effects?

Some of the most common side effects of this medicine could be:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of coordination, tiredness
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Unusual eye movement, or shaking (tremors)

Talk to your healthcare provider immediately if you face any of these issues. If you ignore these issues, it might lead to more critical health problems. Some patients who take anticonvulsants for conditions such as seizures, bipolar disorder, and pain may experience depression or thoughts related to self-harm. In such cases, talk to your doctor or caregiver as soon as possible to avoid further escalation.

Frequently Asked Question

drowsiness, dizziness loss of coordination, blurred vision, and unusual eye movement.

Consult a doctor to decide the right dose.

Initially, Gabapentin was introduced as a muscle relaxer and Gabapentin is an anti-seizure drug. It relaxes the overactive nerve cells and slows the neuron firing to stop the seizure. It blocks the pain signals in neuropathic pain. Though Gabapentin is not a muscle relaxer, it is used to treat restless legs syndrome (an uncontrollable urge to move the legs).

You might feel relaxed and sleepy after taking Gabapentin because it calms down the nervous system. As a result, it may make you sleepy. Sometimes, it is used by doctors to help patients sleep. So, gabapentin helps you to sleep. But this use of Gabapentin is off-label and this medication is not a sleeping pill. The FDA recognizes Gabapentin as an anticonvulsant.

Gabapentin 400mg is primarily used for treating epileptic seizures. It is also used to treat postherpetic neuralgia and moderate to severe restless legs systems. Off-label, it is used for treating anxiety and sleeplessness.

Though Gabapentin helps you battle epilepsy, restless legs syndrome, and neuropathic pain, it has certain side effects that may happen after taking it. These side effects are nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, vomiting, and sometimes, depressive and suicidal thoughts. And if you take antacids, take them at least two hours before taking Gabapentin.

During pregnancy, every medication should be prescribed by your doctor. However side effects of Gabapentin include nausea, vomiting, and dizziness and they might get worse during pregnancy. Even though there is no medical evidence relating to Gabapentin and pregnancy problems, consult your doctor before taking Gabapentin. At the same time, if you are facing any pregnancy complications, disclose them immediately to your physician.

Gabapentin is prescribed to be taken for a long time because it is given to patients with complex partial seizures, and often chronic neuropathy. It is to be taken three times a day, daily. You must take the medication every day and not miss doses. Please note that Gabapentin is not the kind of medicine that you can take as required. You must complete the full prescribed course, as mentioned by your doctor.

Doctors often advise Gabapentin before sleeping. It is because this medication has the potential to improve your slow-wave sleep and primary insomnia. Secondly, when you first start to take it, you might feel drowsy. So it is better to take the prescription drug, at night with a meal.

Gabapentin is a Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) analog. When you take this medication, it mimics the role of GABA and produces a relaxing effect by calming down the overexcited nerves.

Gabapentin is a widely prescribed medication for seizures, neuropathy, and restless leg syndrome. It is easily available online. But while buying gabapentin online, make sure that your site is authentic. You can buy Gabapentin online from reputable sites like Shopmed. Shopemed offers free delivery of high-quality medications and you can with one click right from your phone.

Your healthcare provider might want to want to know if you have the following conditions: 1) Lung or breathing problems. 2) Cardiovascular disease 3) Diabetes. 4) Kidney problems or are on dialysis. 5) Have or had mood problems, depression, suicidal thoughts, or behavior. 6) history of drug abuse or alcohol abuse problems. 7) pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding Plus if you have a history of cardiovascular problems, avoid taking Gabapentin without consulting your doctor.

Weight gain is one of the rarest side effects of gabapentin. Usually, it is a safe medication to take. However, if you have any pre-existing condition, like hypothyroid, Cushing's, depression, insomnia, and PCOS, your weight-gaining tendencies will be triggered.