Published on 26/07/2024

8 Tips for Dealing With Chronic Migraines: ‘You are not Alone’

Migraine is the third most common headache disorder in the world. A migraine is not just an uncomfortable headache. This neurological condition gets so unbearable that your daily life is disrupted. Multiple symptoms attack together and you might feel clueless as to handle the experience. 

Though migraine is often misunderstood and confused with common stress headaches, when it gets really bad, it’s a painful experience altogether. When common medications fail, doctors often resort to Fioricet to treat migraine. Now you can easily buy Fioricet online in New York on the US-based online drugstore Shopemed.

Classifications of Migraine Headaches

Migraine can be divided into two categories: chronic and episodic migraines. Whereas episodic migraine is disruptive and painful, it is not as powerful as chronic migraines. So, it helps to get a better understanding of chronic migraine to manage in a better and more efficient way. 

The International Classification of Headache Disorders describes chronic migraine as a combination of both headaches and migraines. 

Headaches are painful sensations that hurt your head. Even though they are irritating,  they are not as severe as paralyzing your life. Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most commonly faced headache. Its main symptom is pain affecting your head or face, but not your brain. It happens because of muscle tension or contractions.

Unlike the most common stress headaches, migraines affect your brain directly, and this is why you should never leave them untreated. If left untreated your episodic and irregular headaches will turn into chronic daily headaches which are extremely difficult to treat.  

Symptoms: How to recognize Chronic migraine

Chronic migraine stems from episodic ones. The main difference lies in the frequency of headaches.  This is the primary feature of this type of headache. 

  • Headaches must occur at least 15 days a month. 
  • When you have headaches, at eight days a month it should display the core symptoms of migraine. This condition should persist for at least 3 months. 

Here are migraine symptoms we are talking about.

Prodrome: This is a pre-migraine stage. You can feel subtle changes that your headaches might start. In this phase you might feel constipation, mood changes from depression to excitement, food cravings, neck stiffness, increased thirst and urination or frequent yawning, etc.

Aura: Migraine with aura is also known as a classic migraine. In the aura phase, you might find that along with visual, sensory, and motor issues also take place. This means you experience, temporary changes in your vision, such as flashing lights or zigzags, tingling sensations,  numbness or weakness, foggy vision, and blind spots. Some of the less common symptoms of this state include 

  • Numbness usually felt in one hand or on the face 
  • Numbness may spread slowly along a limb
  • Speech or language difficulty
  • Muscle weakness

Migraine without aura:

If you experience migraine without aura, you might face the following symptoms:

  • Pain on one side of your head.
  • Throbbing pain
  • Moderate to severe aching 
  • Pain that worsens with moving or makes you avoid activity.

Headache: This is the phase where you feel the pain. The throbbing, pulsation pain persists once it starts. Though the lasting period of migraine depends on the patient, usually it stays for 4 to 72 hours. 

The headache phase symptoms generally include at least one of the following:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Both light sensitivity (photophobia) and sound sensitivity (phonophobia)

Postdrome: This is a post-migraine phase.  In this phase, you are left with a post-headache hangover. 

If you experience migraine without aura, you might face the following symptoms:

  • Pain on one side of your head.
  • Pulsating, throbbing headache that worsens with time
  • Moderate to severe.
  • Pain that gets so severe, it disrupts your routine 
  • During a headache phase that involves at least one of the following:
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Extreme sensitivity to light and sound 

Tips for Dealing With Chronic Migraines 

1. Avoid migraine triggers

Migraine triggers are the sort of signals that play key roles in starting your migraine.

These triggers can be a lot of things like light, sound, sudden changes in the environment, and weather plays a part. To control your migraines, you want to find out how to avoid them.

For example, you might want to change fluorescent lighting, to more gentle-migraine friendly light. Also, if possible, avoid sudden places or objects that have sudden noises. Maintain a healthy eating habit, avoid skipping meals, and stay hydrated. At the same time, try to cut back on your screen time and get a good night’s sleep.

Stress is one of the powerful factors that triggers migraine. Doing yoga is truly an effective way to handle stress. This ancient practice is a great tool to keep yourself in shape both physically and mentally.

2. Find the right migraine medications: Is Fioricert a good option?   

Finding the right medication that suits you yet provides relief is always challenging. 

Medications that commonly treat migraines might not help with your migraine. Sometimes, what happens is that medication for some other kinds of headaches works. One of the best examples is using Fioricet in the treatment of migraine. 

If you are wondering what fioricet is, let us tell you. Fioricet is a barbiturate drug that is a combination of acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine. The acetaminophen in it reduces pain and also helps to manage fever. Butalbital is a strong nervous system depressant that makes you relaxed. Caffeine also helps to decrease the pain by minimizing the throbbing of the blood vessels. 

If you are looking to buy Fioricet online in New York, you can buy it from Shopemed.

3. Prepare a migraine kit

If you are diagnosed with migraine, it might become a chronic condition. This also means you can experience sudden attacks. Here, having a migraine kit might help a lot more than you think. You can put whatever you think will help you during that attack.  Here is a list that you can put in your kit 

  • Your over-the-counter or prescription medications 
  • It is crucial to carry your medication with you wherever you go. Make sure to take the right dose and follow your doctor’s instructions closely.
  • Hot and cold pack
  • When in pain, a hot and cold compress can provide a soothing experience. 
  • Sunglasses or eye masks to protect your eyes from light.
  • Earpods or headphones for soothing music 
  • Essential oil for aromatherapy treatment, as good aromas help you relax
  • Ginger or lemon for
  • Food supply, if headache triggered by hunger
  • Foam roller in case your neck hurts 

 4. Keep a Migraine Diary

If you have been diagnosed with migraine or often suffer from a pain you think might be migraine, you might want to keep a migraine journal. Maintaining a journal will help you get a better understanding of your condition. You can jot down every detail of your experience. Here are some questions you can start thinking about;

  • Did you feel stressed out?
  • Did you have trouble sleeping?
  • What did you eat or drink?
  • Was there any particular light or sound that bothered you before the attack?
  • Was there any smell that might have triggered the pain 
  • Was there shaking, or visual disturbance involved?

After the attack is passed, you can write down the following:

  • How frequent your migraine attacks are 
  • How long does the attack last, and
  • How severe the headache is 

5. Talk to your Doctor

Headaches are the kind of health issues that we tend to dismiss quickly. More than often, we simply get through the pain and leave it untreated. However, this is not going to help in the long run. If you are suffering from headaches, frequently you should talk to your medical care provider without further delay. 

Not to mention, migraines are not your normal headaches lasting only for a few minutes. Migraine headaches impact the brain directly. According to experts, migraine symptoms negatively influence cortical function. 

Patients who have been suffering from migraine may also experience cortical sensory, motor, language, or other cognitive impairment.. And brainstem dysfunction, caused by migraine, results in nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. 

6. Create your Migraine plan 

Information is the key to power and change. What you can do is talk about your condition with people and online communities. Spreading information and awareness empowers people. This will help many to understand the impact of migraine and they can also find out if they have this disorder too. While spreading awareness for others, don't forget to create your support system. 

Talk to the doctor, don’t miss the follow-ups, and make your loved ones aware of this condition. 

7. You are not alone in this battle 

Do you know how many people suffer from Migraine? 39 million people are diagnosed with migraine and nearly 1 billion people suffer from this worldwide. You are not alone in this, even though you might often feel like it. You might be afraid having this condition will impact your normal life. All you need is preparation, the right medication, and knowing your condition so that you can manage it well.

8. Don’t Give up

When patients are first diagnosed with chronic migraines, they often get scared. But the truth is you can have a happy and normal life, despite this disorder. There are always new and better medications that can improve your migraine. Most importantly, don’t give up. It is not your fault and you need to do that.

Manage your migraines easily 

Managing chronic migraines is very important. Consult a Healthcare Professional: Seek guidance from a neurologist or headache specialist who can assess your specific situation and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. Apart from taking medications, you can try other approaches like yoga and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) which will help you manage your headaches and overall health. 

Where can I buy Fioricet 120 Tabs? 

If you often suffer from headaches, your doctor might prescribe Fioricet tablets, you can order the medication online from a trusted like Shopemed. Shopemed is an online pharmacy that delivers medication to your doorstep through a completely hassle-free process. During an emergency, you can order medications like Firoicet for overnight delivery.

On Shopemed, you can buy Fioricet 120 tabs in New York and make sure you have enough stock.

The bottom line

Managing migraines requires a multifaceted approach that combines lifestyle adjustments, stress reduction, and targeted medical interventions. By prioritizing regular sleep patterns, maintaining a well-balanced diet, and staying hydrated, individuals can mitigate triggers and enhance overall well-being. 

Incorporating stress-management techniques such as mindfulness and relaxation exercises proves instrumental in preventing migraine onset. Additionally, open communication with healthcare professionals ensures tailored treatment plans, including prescription medications or alternative therapies. Ultimately, a proactive and holistic strategy empowers individuals to regain control over their lives and minimize the impact of migraines, fostering a more sustainable and fulfilling existence.

Migraine is not to be ignored. You should have a conversation with your doctor immediately.


1. Is Chronic migraine permanent?

Chronic migraine originates from episodic headaches. This condition is extremely difficult to treat. With improved medications and lifestyle changes, you can manage this condition. But till now, there is no permanent cure for migraine.

2. How do I cure my chronic headache?

Migraines become chronic when they happen 15 days every month. When this keeps happening for at least 3 months, without getting better with time, you probably have chronic migraines. There is no cure for it, till now. So, you must learn to manage your conditions with medications, hydration, a proper lifestyle, and relaxation exercises.

3. Will I ever be migraine-free?

With time chronic migraine can fade away. When you get older, it might change into episodic migraines which is a treatable condition. 

4. Does chronic migraine qualify for disability?

Chronic migraine—which is defined as 15 or more migraine days per month— qualifies for disability. Because some people's migraine episodes are so severe and frequent that they require modifications to allow them to work a full-time job, or they are utterly unable to do so.

5. Does Fioricet help with migraine? 

Fioricet is a compound of acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine, primarily used for the treatment of tension headaches. It is also prescribed for treating migraines, in combination with other medications. 

6. How long does it take for the migraine to go away?

Migraine headaches usually, on average, can last from 4 to 72 hours. During its timeline, you will experience the typical four stages of prodrome, aura, headache, and postdrome. When the headache eventually stops, you might feel washed and exhausted. 

7. What does Fioricet have in it?

Fioricet is a mix of acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine. Acetaminophen provides relief from pain and butalbital calms the nerves down. Caffeine minimizes the effects of swelling blood vessels and helps reduce the pain.

8. Where can you get Fioricet?

You can get Fioricet from any prominent online drugstore like Shopemed. Shopemed offers Zero shipping charges on all orders and provides express shipping all across the USA. You can make purchases without uploading prescriptions.