Published on 01/02/2024

Does Gabapentin Help in Improving Your Sleep?

Sleeping disorders such as insomnia are one of the most common issues faced by millions of people all over the world.

Sleeping disorders such as insomnia are one of the most common issues faced by millions of people all over the world. Insomnia refers to being unable to sleep, having intermittent periods of fragmented sleep, not having a deep sleep, and so on.

Whereas the importance of a good, restful sleep cannot be stressed enough, the increasing level of stress and anxiety in daily life, has taken quite a toll on normal biological sleeping patterns.

Studies prove that Gabapentin has been effective in inducing good quality deep sleep. Though the approved use of gabapentin is for seizures, it is also used to treat primary insomnia.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is sleep difficulties getting to sleep and/or staying asleep.

The disorder may be acute, lasting only a short while. When this condition becomes chronic, it lasts a long time.

Acute insomnia can linger for a few weeks or just one night. When insomnia occurs three nights a week or more for three months or longer, it is considered chronic.

What is Primary insomnia?

Primary insomnia is a type of insomnia that generally has no direct link with any health condition or mental disorder.

Primary insomnia is a disorder that includes many types of sleep problems. In this condition, you might have trouble initiating sleep, staying asleep, or having incomplete fragmented dreams.

Causes :

The cause of primary insomnia is not usually linked with physical or even psychological problems. The reasons that cause primary insomnia, might be:

•    A change in surroundings
•    Sensitivity towards light and sound
•    Jet lag
•    Genetic conditions

But you might suffer from these conditions even without these triggers.

The main takeaway in this context is the long-term consequences of primary insomnia. Simply put, if you cannot get sufficient sleep or cannot even fall asleep to begin with, it leads to serious issues. The inability to sleep will lead to an irritable mood, fatigue, anxiety, and even depression. The lack of a fulfilling slumber is likely to expose you to health complications as well. The predominant idea that sleep loss bears no serious consequences has been shattered by modern research. Here are some of the issues caused by insomnia.
•    Obesity in adults and children
•    Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance
•    Cardiovascular disease and hypertension
•    Anxiety symptoms
•    Depressed mood
•    Alcohol use
Primary insomnia does not have a connection to any particular lifestyle choice, medical condition, or psychological issue. So, there is no root cause to be found. This is why managing this condition is crucial.
According to multiple studies, Gabapentin has proved to be a helpful addition in managing primary insomnia.

What is Gabapentin?
Gabapentin is an FDA-approved medication, classified as anticonvulsants. It is mainly prescribed to treat conditions like Seizures caused by epilepsy or traumatic brain injury, nerve pain due to diabetes, or shingles infection, and RLS or Restless Leg Syndrome. However, one of the most common off-label uses of Gabapentin is to help with primary insomnia. Studies show that has remarkable potential to help with sleep and even decrease anxiety.

How does Gabapentin work?
Gabapentin plays the same role as the GABA neurotransmitter in the human brain. Gabapentin stops the abnormal electrical activity and calms down the nervous system. When Gabapentin actively works inside your brain, you feel relaxed and soothed. This leads you to fall into a deep, restful slumber which will not result in sudden wakefulness.

How does Gabapentin improve sleep?
Gabapentin enhances slow-wave sleep in patients with primary insomnia. It improves patients' slow-wave sleep when they suffer from primary insomnia. Additionally, by increasing sleep efficiency and lowering spontaneous arousal, it enhances the quality of sleep. Medical research also suggests that gabapentin may be beneficial in the treatment of primary insomnia.
Some research suggests that gabapentin may help patients with medical disorders like alcoholism, bipolar illness, and hot flashes who have trouble falling asleep.

Gabapentin lengthens your sleep duration by putting you into a deeper sleep. This enhances slow-wave sleep. The full effects of immediate-release gabapentin usually take a few hours to manifest. For best effects, take this medication three times a day as advised by your healthcare provider.

Gabapentin Dosage
If you are prescribed Gabapentin, get clear dosage instructions from your doctor. Generally, this medication is started with low strength, and strength is increased with time.
At first, the doctors start the treatment by prescribing 300 milligrams as a single dose in the evening or a few hours before bedtime.

Why Gabapentin has become a popular choice?
There are multiple medications available to treat primary insomnia. But Gabapentin is preferred by many. One of the most crucial reasons for preference is it does not cause next-day impairment. If you take gabapentin for sleep. it will help you get calm, slow-wave sleep without making you feel sleepy. After a Gabapentin-induced sleep, you wake up refreshed.

How should I take gabapentin?
Gabapentin is an oral tablet and therefore should be taken by mouth with a glass of water. Do not crush or chew the medication. While taking this medication, follow the instructions as mentioned by your doctor. Try to take the medication at a particular time and maintain it throughout the course.

What happens if you miss your dose?
If you miss your dose of medication, make sure to take it as soon as you remember it. But do not take the previous dose close to your next one. This might lead to overdosing and make you sick.

What should I know before taking Gabapentin?
•    It is important to know a few things before taking Gabapentin.
•    Share your complete medical history with your doctor.
•    If you are going through any specific treatment, mention it to your doctor.
•    If you have kidney issues, your doctor might advise you not to take Gabapentin.
•    Do not take Gabapentin if you are on
•     Avoid  an allergic reaction to gabapentin
•    Avoid taking Gabapentin if you are on narcotic opioids, anti-anxiety medicines, antidepressants, and antihistamines.

1. What is Gabapentin?
It is an FDA-approved medication that doctors prescribe to treat seizures caused by epilepsy or brain trauma, nerve pain by shingles, and diabetes. Sometimes it is given to treat Restless Legs Syndrome.

2. Can I take Gabapentin for sleep?
You can take Gabapentin for sleep after talking to your doctor.

3. Can gabapentin be used as a sleep aid?
Studies prove that Gabapentin has shown efficiency in inducing slow-wave sleep. It also helps in increasing total sleep time.

4. Is gabapentin a mood booster?
Off-label Gabapentin is prescribed for anxiety and stress. It has properties to make you feel relaxed and thereby boost your mood.

5. Does Gabapentin have any side effects?
Gabapentin has certain side effects. If any of them persists, stop the medication immediately and inform your healthcare provider. Such warning signs include:
•    Allergic reactions such as swelling or skin rash
•    Nausea
•    Dizziness
•    Vomiting
•    Breathing troubles.

6. Can I order gabapentin online in the USA without a prescription?
Yes! You can order online gabapentin with cash on delivery availability from Shopemed, your trusted delivery partner.