Published on 01/02/2024

Can Baclofen be Addictive or a Treatment for Addiction?

Baclofen, a skeletal muscle relaxant, is known to be used for addiction treatment. Find out what role it plays in addiction.

Since addiction has always been a deep-rooted issue in the US, the professional addiction treatment community is always keeping an eager eye out to detect more effective ways to treat substance abuse disorders. Baclofen has been filling the gap between this need and the rising problem of addiction. You can order Baclofen online from any reputed site like Shopemed. 

What is Baclofen? 

Baclofen is a skeletal muscle relaxant used to control and prevent spasms. 

The original purpose of baclofen was to treat epileptic seizures. It was found to be beneficial in reducing muscle spasms, even though its effect on the seizures per se was limited. For this reason, it is used to treat muscle spasms associated with cerebral palsy and spinal cord disorders like multiple sclerosis (MS). It is believed to accomplish this by triggering the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system in the brain, which aids in nerve relaxation and calmness.

Modern research has shown that the medication can also be used to treat mental health issues. Although these are not approved uses, the drug is becoming more and more popular as a possible treatment for substance use disorders. It has also been studied for alcoholism and cocaine addiction. 

Side Effects of Taking Baclofen

It is essential to understand that baclofen, while it can be crucial in supporting addiction treatment, isn't an independent answer for substance use problems in general. The medication can help by reducing desires and making it easier to from relapsing to substance use. However, it is important to provide different medicines to help the patient.

There are symptoms of taking baclofen that should be taken into before the patient goes through treatment with this drug. The side effects of taking this drug are many. The serious effects include 

  • Trouble breathing,
  • Seizures, and 
  • Thoughts of suicide and other forms of self-harm.

More serious results of this medication are trouble breathing and seizures. Clinical assistance must be sought right away if both of these incidental effects take place.

As indicated by the U.S. Public Library of Medication, symptoms of baclofen may incorporate certain side effects :

  • Tiredness
  • Unsteadiness
  • Muscle shortcoming
  • Disarray
  • Steamed stomach

Some more common side-effects are: 

  • Drowsiness, 
  • Dizziness, 
  • Weakness, 
  • Tiredness, 
  • Headache, trouble sleeping
  • Nausea, increased urination, or 
  • Constipation 

If any of these effects last or get out of hand, tell your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Some people might be more vulnerable to side effects, including the old, and those with disabled renal capability. People with galactose prejudice, dynamic peptic ulceration, and porphyria shouldn't accept this prescription. 

At the same time, Baclofen should not be taken by:

  • Those with serious mental issues
  • People with seizure problems
  • Those previously getting antihypertensive treatment
  • Anybody experiencing sphincter hypertonia
  • People with liver infection or diabetes mellitus 

Can Baclofen Cause Addiction? 

There is not enough evidence that suggests baclofen can cause addiction.  Similar to reports of addiction to gabapentin from a variety of sources, euphoric sensations were reported when taking the drug, and reactions to stopping baclofen use that included classic withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Physical tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability.
  • Cravings for the substance.
  • Angry outbursts.

Baclofen withdrawal symptoms indicate that the body has developed a dependence on the drug. It might compel you to use unnecessarily higher doses. Consistent use of the frug might lead to tolerance and strong addiction in the long run. This might happen if you take the medicine for too long or have previous substance abuse issues. 

Issues with Treating Addiction with Baclofen

It is important to emphasize that baclofen, while it may be useful in supporting addiction treatment, is not a perfect solution for managing substance use disorders. 

The drug can help diminish cravings and make it easier to avoid relapse to substance use, but it is necessary to provide complementary therapy and other treatments to help the individual.

There are also side effects of taking baclofen that need to be considered before the individual undergoes treatment with this medication. These side effects include difficulty breathing, seizures, and suicidal ideation. If these side effects are experienced, medical help should be obtained right away.

Other side effects that are not as bad but can be uncomfortable include:

  • Upset stomach
  • Drowsiness or dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Depression

What can you do to avoid Baclofen addiction? 

If you have a history of substance abuse, chances are you might end up addicted towards Baclofen. But if your doctor has prescribed Baclofen, here are some tips that you can try to avoid Baclofen dependency. 

  • Take only the prescribed 
  • Avoid taking any extra dose even if you have missed one 
  • Take the medicine at a particular time every day 
  • If you feel excited after taking the medicine, talk to your doctor immediately.
  • If you have had problems relating to addiction, do not leave addiction therapy.

Beating Addiction: Expert Therapy or Baclofen?

Remission of substance use disorders is ultimately more likely to result from drug and alcohol addiction treatment when the patient is given a variety of treatment options.  While Baclofen is used in research-based therapies, along with peer support, and medical supervision as part of an integrated treatment approach, the medicine may prove to be truly essential. Baclofen’s capability to reduce addiction might be outweighed by consistent and systematic therapy. 

These aspects of treatment for substance use disorders assist a person in managing cravings and triggers that cause relapses, as well as in building internal confidence and external support networks that enhance the patient's chances of long-term recovery. Consequently, receiving medical care from a licensed therapy center increases the chance of recovering from addiction. 


Baclofen has many functions as a medicine, including managing addictive habits. Though there is not sufficient evidence to support that Baclofen can bring a massive chance in battling addiction, many still believe in using it. 

We must not forget that addiction cannot be managed by medications alone. Motivational therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, and family support are extremely important when it comes to beating addiction. The transformative process involves physical and mental withdrawal symptoms which are truly difficult to bear. Hence, many resort to Baclofen when they are advised. 


1. What is baclofen used for?

Baclofen is a skeletal muscle relaxant used to control and prevent spasms. This means it is used to treat pain and particular types of muscle stiffness and tightness) from multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and so on.

2. Is baclofen a powerful muscle relaxer?

Baclofen is an efficient drug in the treatment of spasms, cramping, and tightness of muscles caused by problems like multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury. It helps by relaxing certain muscles in your body.

3. Is baclofen taken daily?

Take baclofen as prescribed by your doctor or healthcare provider. Usually, it is not required to take it every day. Baclofen is given at a low dose initially and gradually the dose is increased. Do not decide the dose of your medication on your own.

4. Does baclofen work immediately?

Baclofen alleviates pain due to muscle spasms. The oral tablets and liquid start working after 1 hour after taking it. But it might be a while till you figure out the right dose.

5. Does baclofen stop cravings?

Baclofen is an effective medication for treating alcohol dependence. It minimizes the cravings within a week. But you must consult medical experts if you want to take Baclofen for alcohol disorder.